Many self-help gurus have written about the importance of health, wealth
and relationships in achieving happiness in life. I am no exception to them
- I agree with this statement, although I don't stop there - I believe there
are other things as well in life that can bring happiness. However, it
cannot be doubted that health, wealth and relationships are three of the
"biggies" when it comes to achieving your dreams!
It is true that "health is gold" and "if you've got your health, you've got
everything" in life! If you are sick, your body broken and you are subject
to expensive medical treatments and afflicted by pain, it is hard to achieve happiness in life. It is important to take care of your health. Also, NOT
taking care of your health means you don't think your health is important.
Going deeper, this indicates to me that you do not think you are important
enough as a person to take care of your health. So at the root of all
unhealthy behaviours is a self-esteem issue, a lack of self-belief and a lack
of love in your life, either from others or from yourself. So it's important
to your personal development to keep pushing the boundaries in your life,
and working on making your body the best it can be is an integral part of
Although "money can't buy happiness" and greed for material things will
not satisfy you in the end, nevertheless we should develop a utilitarian
attitude towards money, using it to achieve our dreams and become the
person we've always wanted to be. In order to do this, it is sometimes
necessary to question the traditional "do well at school-go to university-
get a job-save for retirement" model that we've all been brought up with.
These days, you need to be smart with your cash and come up with other
ways to make money that don't require you to work all hours to make ends
meet. You can achieve financial independence and start living the life
you've always wanted! Start living the new dream of prosperity!
The people we love, live with, associate with and spend time with are an
important part of our lives. However, finding a suitable person to meet is
becoming more and more difficult these days. Without knowing how to
attract your perfect lover or find the love of your life, you are seriously
impeding your ability to find true love and happiness in your life. To do
that, you need to understand that relationships are heavily based on your
own beliefs about yourself, since people tend to hang out with people who
are similar to themselves. So if the dream lover you want has qualities
significantly from your qualities, you are going to have to develop those
qualities IN YOURSELF first before you can attract someone like that.
So health, wealth and relationships are three of the biggest challenges you
need to master on your journey to achieving your dream life!