You may not know this, but your thoughts can affect your life. Thoughts
are things. Scientists have measured vibrations of people’s thoughts and
emotions, and they have found that positive, happy thoughts like love and
appreciation vibrate very quickly. However, thoughts like fear, frustration,
and envy vibrate very slowly. The phenomenon called the Law of
Attraction explains the connection between your thoughts and your life –
even your financial situation. In order to become rich, you must first be
aware of the thoughts you have about money. If you find that you have any
negative thoughts, you need to change them ASAP if you want to become
rich. Here are 8 ways you can do that.
1. Believe you are worthy.
Many people in our culture have low self-esteem. We are constantly
bombarded with messages about how we are “not good enough.” Whether
you compare your beauty to super models or your bank account to
Oprah’s, you need to believe that you genuinely have something to offer
the world. You have a special gift and talent that will help you become
rich. Rich people don’t have a problem promoting themselves, their
services, or their business. That is because they believe they are worthy.
You need to think that too.
2. Believe it’s possible.
How many times did you hear your parents say things like, “Money
doesn’t grow on trees.” Or, “Do you think I’m made of money?” Many of
us have been negatively programmed to think that money is scarce. It is
not. There is plenty of money out there for the taking. You just need to
believe that deserve your “piece of the pie.” Anything is possible. But you
need to believe that before it happens.
3. Appreciate what you already have.
If you sit around thinking, “I don’t like my house, I wish I had a bigger
one.” Or, “I can’t wait to get a new car because I’m embarrassed to drive
this one,” you are sending out negative vibrations with your thoughts.
According to the Law of Attraction, negative, slow-moving thoughts will
not create anything positive. Instead, you need to love your house or your
car. Or simply be grateful that you have a roof over your head, a bed to
sleep in, or food on your table. The more you give appreciation to what
you already have, the more likely it will be that you will be able to acquire
4. Be happy for rich people.
Sometimes people hear negative statements about rich people. Do any of
these sound familiar: “Rich people are snobs” or “Rich people aren’t
honest” or “Rich people are selfish.” If you heard this a lot growing up,
then your subconscious mind is programmed with negative thinking about
rich people. And your subconscious probably won’t let you become rich
because you certainly don’t want to be a “snob,” “dishonest,” or “selfish.”
Instead, realize that many rich people are very good human beings.
Believe they deserve what they have. Bless them, and say a ‘thank you’ in
advance for becoming rich yourself.
5. Use affirmations or vision boards.
Writing out positive statements (affirmations) and repeating them over
and over in your mind helps re-program your brain. If you found in #4 that
you think rich people are snobs, then repeat an affirmation such as, “Rich
people are generous, kind, and loving people. I am appreciative that I will
be one of them someday.” Vision boards are helpful too. Get a poster
board and cut out words and photos of things you want. It could be a new
car, a big house, a private jet, or your own yacht. Whatever feels good and
gets you excited is appropriate to put on the board. Use your affirmations
and your vision board together for maximum results.
6. Love money.
I’ve heard people say, “I hate money!” And my jaw always drops to the
floor. How can you hate money? Well, the reason they hate money is
because they don’t have any. That doesn’t mean that they really HATE
money. They just hate the LACK of money. So you need to catch yourself
if you keep saying negative things about money. Turn them around and
say “I love money! Money is my friend! It brings me great joy!” The
more that you put the positive vibrations of love towards the subject of
money, the more you will acquire it.
7. Be happy paying your bills.
I’m sure you have had a pit in your stomach before when you are paying
bills. Most people have. That is because their focus is on the negative. All
they think about is how much money is going out, not coming in. But you
need to reframe that. Be happy when you pay your bills. Because guess
what? That means that you actually have the money to pay them! If you
weren’t paying them, that would mean you don’t have any money. So be
grateful for having the money to pay out. After all, it does provide you
with a place to live, a car to drive, and food on your table. That’s a good
8. Commit to being rich.
Finally, you just need to decide to be rich! Don’t take no for an answer!
Don’t give up! In order to accomplish anything in life, you need to be
committed. You can’t simply treat “getting rich” as a hobby, or something
that you’ll just try out and see what happens. It doesn’t work that way.
Rich people are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to make money and
keep it! You need to do the same. Commit to your goal of being rich, and
it will be yours.
are things. Scientists have measured vibrations of people’s thoughts and
emotions, and they have found that positive, happy thoughts like love and
appreciation vibrate very quickly. However, thoughts like fear, frustration,
and envy vibrate very slowly. The phenomenon called the Law of
Attraction explains the connection between your thoughts and your life –
even your financial situation. In order to become rich, you must first be
aware of the thoughts you have about money. If you find that you have any
negative thoughts, you need to change them ASAP if you want to become
rich. Here are 8 ways you can do that.
1. Believe you are worthy.
Many people in our culture have low self-esteem. We are constantly
bombarded with messages about how we are “not good enough.” Whether
you compare your beauty to super models or your bank account to
Oprah’s, you need to believe that you genuinely have something to offer
the world. You have a special gift and talent that will help you become
rich. Rich people don’t have a problem promoting themselves, their
services, or their business. That is because they believe they are worthy.
You need to think that too.
2. Believe it’s possible.
How many times did you hear your parents say things like, “Money
doesn’t grow on trees.” Or, “Do you think I’m made of money?” Many of
us have been negatively programmed to think that money is scarce. It is
not. There is plenty of money out there for the taking. You just need to
believe that deserve your “piece of the pie.” Anything is possible. But you
need to believe that before it happens.
3. Appreciate what you already have.
If you sit around thinking, “I don’t like my house, I wish I had a bigger
one.” Or, “I can’t wait to get a new car because I’m embarrassed to drive
this one,” you are sending out negative vibrations with your thoughts.
According to the Law of Attraction, negative, slow-moving thoughts will
not create anything positive. Instead, you need to love your house or your
car. Or simply be grateful that you have a roof over your head, a bed to
sleep in, or food on your table. The more you give appreciation to what
you already have, the more likely it will be that you will be able to acquire
4. Be happy for rich people.
Sometimes people hear negative statements about rich people. Do any of
these sound familiar: “Rich people are snobs” or “Rich people aren’t
honest” or “Rich people are selfish.” If you heard this a lot growing up,
then your subconscious mind is programmed with negative thinking about
rich people. And your subconscious probably won’t let you become rich
because you certainly don’t want to be a “snob,” “dishonest,” or “selfish.”
Instead, realize that many rich people are very good human beings.
Believe they deserve what they have. Bless them, and say a ‘thank you’ in
advance for becoming rich yourself.
5. Use affirmations or vision boards.
Writing out positive statements (affirmations) and repeating them over
and over in your mind helps re-program your brain. If you found in #4 that
you think rich people are snobs, then repeat an affirmation such as, “Rich
people are generous, kind, and loving people. I am appreciative that I will
be one of them someday.” Vision boards are helpful too. Get a poster
board and cut out words and photos of things you want. It could be a new
car, a big house, a private jet, or your own yacht. Whatever feels good and
gets you excited is appropriate to put on the board. Use your affirmations
and your vision board together for maximum results.
6. Love money.
I’ve heard people say, “I hate money!” And my jaw always drops to the
floor. How can you hate money? Well, the reason they hate money is
because they don’t have any. That doesn’t mean that they really HATE
money. They just hate the LACK of money. So you need to catch yourself
if you keep saying negative things about money. Turn them around and
say “I love money! Money is my friend! It brings me great joy!” The
more that you put the positive vibrations of love towards the subject of
money, the more you will acquire it.
7. Be happy paying your bills.
I’m sure you have had a pit in your stomach before when you are paying
bills. Most people have. That is because their focus is on the negative. All
they think about is how much money is going out, not coming in. But you
need to reframe that. Be happy when you pay your bills. Because guess
what? That means that you actually have the money to pay them! If you
weren’t paying them, that would mean you don’t have any money. So be
grateful for having the money to pay out. After all, it does provide you
with a place to live, a car to drive, and food on your table. That’s a good
8. Commit to being rich.
Finally, you just need to decide to be rich! Don’t take no for an answer!
Don’t give up! In order to accomplish anything in life, you need to be
committed. You can’t simply treat “getting rich” as a hobby, or something
that you’ll just try out and see what happens. It doesn’t work that way.
Rich people are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to make money and
keep it! You need to do the same. Commit to your goal of being rich, and
it will be yours.